
When released , what is the kinetic energy of the 1c charge of the preceding problem if it flies past its starting position?

Respuesta :

a) When a charge is moved in an electric field the work done (W) is calculated as charge*(change in potential). We can write W = q*V or V = W/q = 10/1 = 10V . This voltage is a difference in electric potential between 2 points within the field. If the charge is positive, and positive work is done upon it, then the final position is more positive than the original one. 

b) If a charge (Q) is released from rest and falls through a potential difference V, then its gain in energy (KE if no other force acts on the charged body) is q*V = 10J. This is the same as the work done in moving the charge to its new position in part (a), and is an example of the conservation of energy.