Oasis b is 25 km due east of oasis
a. starting from oasis a, a camel walks 24 km in a direction 19° south of east and then walks 4.0 km due north. how far is the camel then from oasis b?

Respuesta :

Ax=24 cos(15)=23.1822Ax=24 cos(15)=23.1822 Ay=â’24 sin(15)=â’6.2117Ay=â’24 sin(15)=â’6.2117 and Bx=0Bx=0 By=8By=8 To find the distance b you want to find the vector that goes from A to 15 km E (vector C). Calling the differnce in A + B and C D, then we know [math]D = (A + B) - C. So we have for D: Dx=(Ax+Bx)â’Cx=â’1.8178Dx=(Ax+Bx)â’Cx=â’1.8178 Dy+(Ay+By)â’Cy=1.7883Dy+(Ay+By)â’Cy=1.7883 D=D2x+D2y‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾âš=2.2567