Respuesta :
this is something I feel like you couldve easily done but I'm always happy to help.
a girl in her teens babysat for a rich family one night. The wealthy family had a very large house with many rooms. It was filled with lots of art and old ornaments from all over the world. As the parents were leaving to go out, the father told the girl that once the she put the kids down, she must go down to the basement, watch TV there, and not go looking around the house.
Once the kids are asleep, the girl goes to the basement room to watch TV. However, she cannot concentrate on her show because in the in the corner of the room is a life-size clown statue grinning at her. She finally decides to drape a blanket over the statue so she can ignore it. After a while she can’t stand looking at the clown statue’s over-sized feet sticking out from under the blanket. She decides to call the father and ask his permission to watch TV in another room, because she is freaked out by the giant clown statue in basement room.
“Listen very carefully,” says the father to the girl.
“Our children have been complaining about a clown that comes into their room in the middle of the night. We just thought it was nightmares. We don’t own a clown statue. You need to get the kids and get out of the house now! I’ll call the police. the girl hangs up the phone, turns around to look at the covered clown statue, but all there is a blanket on the floor! She hears steps coming down the basement stairs.
.. the end.
a girl in her teens babysat for a rich family one night. The wealthy family had a very large house with many rooms. It was filled with lots of art and old ornaments from all over the world. As the parents were leaving to go out, the father told the girl that once the she put the kids down, she must go down to the basement, watch TV there, and not go looking around the house.
Once the kids are asleep, the girl goes to the basement room to watch TV. However, she cannot concentrate on her show because in the in the corner of the room is a life-size clown statue grinning at her. She finally decides to drape a blanket over the statue so she can ignore it. After a while she can’t stand looking at the clown statue’s over-sized feet sticking out from under the blanket. She decides to call the father and ask his permission to watch TV in another room, because she is freaked out by the giant clown statue in basement room.
“Listen very carefully,” says the father to the girl.
“Our children have been complaining about a clown that comes into their room in the middle of the night. We just thought it was nightmares. We don’t own a clown statue. You need to get the kids and get out of the house now! I’ll call the police. the girl hangs up the phone, turns around to look at the covered clown statue, but all there is a blanket on the floor! She hears steps coming down the basement stairs.
.. the end.
This was based off a dream I had. I don´t know if it meets the constraint of 140 characters, but it´s been so long I doubt anyone would care. Hope you like it all the same.
I can´t remember where the dolls came from. It´s the same for why it was nighttime when my little sister and I were playing at the park. She had just turned five, and we were celebrating there. But then all of a sudden, it was night. Nobody had noticed the sun sink behind the mountains. There were supposed to be eight kids, not including me and my sister. But when I checked again, there were six. And then three. When Bruno disappeared, thatś when I saw the dolls. There were two of them. The details were hard to make out, but the eerie clinking of porcelain was audible over the cold breeze. As was the scraping when they rubbed their mouthparts together like insects. One of them walked up behind Alice.
¨Hello!¨ it said. And giggled. It was the most hollow, emotionless sound I have ever heard. The dollś face opened and something came out. It was like a shadow, but it didn´t follow the rules. They snaked towards the light, not away from it. I do not know what the shadows did to Alice, but when they were done she was lying on the ground. I turned her over. There were now two black pits where her eyes should have been. The corners of her mouth were stretched into a permanent smile far too wide to be human. She wasn´t dead. It was something far worse.
It continued like this until it was just my sister and I. She was crying. We hid in the tree house. The dolls were afraid of bright light. I´d found that out when aiming a flashlight beam at one of them.
¨Don´t worry,¨I told her. ¨Iĺl go find Mom and Dad. You just stay here and wait, okay? If a doll comes, just shine your light at it. Don´t scream.¨
Each flashlight could hold two batteries. I took one from hers. This was a rather secluded area, I reasoned. And I needed more power if I were to find our parents.
But in the end, one of the dolls got to her. Because I took a battery, she couldn´t defend herself with the light. Then I heard a noise behind me.
¨Hello! Hehehehehehee!¨