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Unfortunately there is no magical way to prevent the upsurge of superbugs like MRSA (Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and VRSA (Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), C. Diff (Clostiridium Deficile), Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Klebsiella Pneumoniae. These bacterial infections are not the only type of bugs out there, with viral agents and fungal agents now becoming resistant to many medications. The best way to prevent these infections are mainly through education, hygiene and regulation of antibiotic use.
Evolution is the main reason these superbugs exist. When antibiotics or other varieties of medications are prescribed incorrectly or aren't used, bacteria and other pathogens that normally just remain on skin or are naturally occurring take on resistance. When doses of antibiotics are not finished bugs that remain also reproduce into a full blown resistant infection. We need to reinforce the need to stick to a antibiotic regime all the way through, while also making sure that doctors are prescribing correct antibiotics for the correct type and strain of disease.
Additionally many types of bacteria and viruses can easily be killed or prevented from spreading via basic disease prevention such as washing your hands with soap, covering your mouth during coughs and sneezes, remaining home during sickness, and get vaccinated for diseases that do haves one.
Evolution is the main reason these superbugs exist. When antibiotics or other varieties of medications are prescribed incorrectly or aren't used, bacteria and other pathogens that normally just remain on skin or are naturally occurring take on resistance. When doses of antibiotics are not finished bugs that remain also reproduce into a full blown resistant infection. We need to reinforce the need to stick to a antibiotic regime all the way through, while also making sure that doctors are prescribing correct antibiotics for the correct type and strain of disease.
Additionally many types of bacteria and viruses can easily be killed or prevented from spreading via basic disease prevention such as washing your hands with soap, covering your mouth during coughs and sneezes, remaining home during sickness, and get vaccinated for diseases that do haves one.