Fill in the blank with the correct Spanish translation of the following statement: Since this is a complete sentence, please begin your sentence with a capital letter. Do not end your sentence in a period as the period is provided below. “It is windy.” _______. When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect. You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed: á é í ó ú ñ Á É Í Ó Ú ¿ ¡

Respuesta :

Once again, in Spanish, we use the verb "hacer," in expressions that refer to weather conditions.

The expression, "hacer viento" translates to "to be windy." 

So, if we want to say, "it is windy," we say: 

Hace viento. 


"It is windy."

In Spanish: Está ventoso.


The translation of windy is ventoso. When referring to the weather, it's very common in Spanish to use the verb "estar" followed by the adjective in the masculine form, for example:

Está soleado: it's sunny.

Está fresco: it's cold.

Está ventoso: it's windy.

Está nublado: it's cloudy.

Está lluvioso: it's rainy.