Cnt-books wants an affordable way to establish remote connections for its salespeople, who log on from customer sites all over the country, and its three branch offices. the company's main office is in phoenix, arizona, and its branch offices are in los angeles, california; chicago, illinois; and orlando, florida. explain what kind of connections the salespeople and branch offices should use and what kings of services should be installed on the main office's network to keep communication costs to a minimum.

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Virtual private network connections the salespeople and branch offices should use.

The salespeople and branch offices should install Internet Protocol Security, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, Authentication Header and Encapsulating Security Payload with Secure Hash Algorithms-256 and Advanced Encryption Standard-256.

Symmetric digital subscriber line services should be installed on the main offices network to keep communication costs to a minimum.

Each branch office should be equipped with a firewall that can be configured as a virtual private network endpoint to the main office with routing services that differentiate between corporate and Internet traffic.