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Do you like any subject from school? Which subject do you really like? What is one subject that you dislike? Which subject is hard for you? What subject is easy?

The subject that is interesting is the subject named art. Art is interesting because you get to draw what you what you want. Art is awesome because when you get a portfolio they tell you to draw and I like it. I find art compelling because there are many perspectives to draw. Art is easy.

What I do in class listen to the teacher to give me instructions for a project for an example a portfolio. I see a live lesson and download a file to my computer, for example, the rubric. After I do that I see what I have to do then I start to work on it and when I am done, I submit it to the drop box if not I put finish and mark as complete. Then I wait for the feedback. After I finish doing that I do that for the next lesson.

One of the subjects that are similar is language arts and ed tech. Language arts and ed tech itself the same in my school because you both are going to have to read and in both subjects are going to have to read. There are both the same because in ed tech you use verbs and past tense and future and in language arts, you use this stuff in writing. In both of these subjects, you're going to have to use a word choice and use it to write it.

Respuesta :

My favorite subject is English because you can read a book and intercept it in your own way and based on the knowledge you have, what is the theme and how does this impact the characters positively or negatively. Moreover, you can conceive your reading that you argument is correct by analyzing the quotes from the characters to discuss why. The one subject that I dislike is art due to lack of drawing pride. Art is simply one of the most difficult subjects as drawing requires a lot of effort and drawing is challenging for me due to drawing naturally is hard to get used to; I prefer drawing by tracing


i like math
