1. The "___" states gave up their western lands.

A. landless

B. landed

C. wealthy

D. landlocked

E. popular

2. The Northwest Ordinance of ___ reserved some land in each township for government use.

A. 1788

B. 1783

C. 1779

D. 1785

E. 1775

3. Settlers were recalled from the western lands in ___.




D. 1776

4. The constitutions of the states were ___.

A.somewhat similar

B.somewhat different

C.very similar

D.completely different

E.exactly the same

5. A territory could become a state when it reached a population of ___.

A. 6,000

B. 16,000

C. 60,000

D. 150,000

E. 5,000

6. The ___ served as the nation's first constitution and was the result of the need of the former colonies to cooperate to win the war.

A. Constitution of the United States

B. Articles of Confederation

C. Declaration of Rights and Grievances

D. English Bill of Rights

E.the Declaration of Independence