Respuesta :
- C. He had no marriage gift to give Polydectes: The King Polydectes held a banquet where each guest was expected to bring a gift in contribution to the hand of Hippodamia. As Perseus was poor he had no gift so he asked Polydectes to name a gift and he would not refuse it.
- D. Athenians: Theseus is known as the mythical king and founder-hero of Athens.
- B. False: Pasiphae was the wife of King Mino and, under a course of Poseidon she fell in love with the Minotaur.
- C. Forgetfulness of another- A. Grief: Theseus forgot of changing the black sails into white ones if he returns alive from Crete. When King Aegeus saw that he leaped from a cliff to his death.
- C. Minotaur