Respuesta :
You should round 519 to 520 and 124 to 120. Then you add them together and you would get 640, which is only three off of 643
You ought to cycle 519 to 520 and 124 to 120. At that point you include them together and you would get 640, which is just three off of 643.
Further Explanation:
Compatible numbers:
Compatible numbers are sets of numbers that are anything but difficult to include, subtract, increase, or separation rationally. When utilizing estimation to rough a count, supplant genuine numbers with perfect numbers. The numbers 500 and 300 are good for expansion, since the aggregate of 800 can be effectively determined rationally.
Compatible numbers in math:
In science, Compatible numbers are the numbers that are anything but difficult to include, subtract, duplicate, or partition rationally. Perfect numbers are close in an incentive to the genuine numbers that make assessing the appropriate response and figuring issues simpler.
round Compatible numbers:
Compatible numbers are sets of numbers that are anything but difficult to include, subtract, duplicate, or gap rationally. When utilizing estimation to surmised a computation, supplant real numbers with perfect numbers. The numbers 500 and 300 are good for expansion, since the whole of 800 can be effectively determined rationally.
round off numbers:
Here's the general standard for adjusting: If the number you are adjusting is trailed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Model: 38 adjusted to the closest ten is 40. On the off chance that the number you are adjusting is trailed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down.
Subject: English
Level: High School
Keywords: Compatible numbers, Compatible numbers in math, round Compatible numbers, round off numbers.
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