Personal wellness angela has been working for a local small business called personal wellness for the last three years. it is a retail business that sells sporting goods equipment. when she started to work there, she noticed several things that were possibly the cause of the business not doing as well as it hoped. angela has been thinking of starting her own small business because she feels she has learned much through working for personal wellness. angela's manager asked her to create a business plan for personal wellness. the manager hoped that this plan would put things into perspective to help the company do better. after creating the plan, angela suggested that personal wellness contact a group of senior and graduate students to provide management counseling for the company. angela wants to make sure that her leaving does not become the cause of the company going under. refer to personal wellness. personal wellness can be classified as operating in what type of industry?

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Personal Wellness operates under a distribution industry. Distribution is the procedure of creating a product or service accessible for the customer or business user that wants it. This can be completed directly by the manufacturer or service provider, or using secondary channels with mediators. It has three approaches, it could be mass, selective or exclusive distribution