
Which action can best limit the transmission of pathogens by indirect contact?

A. Washing vegetables

B. Practicing abstinence

C. Washing hands

D. Not sharing utensils

Respuesta :




Washing vegetables.

Washing vegetable action can best limit the transmission of pathogens by indirect contact.

In what ways can you prevent the spread of disease through indirect contact?

Try to minimize touching your mouth or nose with your hands. avoid sick people, if possible. wear disposable gloves to avoid contact with blood and feces. use disposable gloves when caring for an ill person.

What is the most important way to minimize indirect contact transmission?

To reduce transmission by indirect contact, frequent touch surfaces should be properly disinfected. Frequent touch surfaces (fomites) include Door knobs, door handles, and handrails.

Learn more about the transmission of pathogens by indirect contact at