Respuesta :

NTFS NTFS (NT File System) is the file system that the NT operating system introduced in Windows NT 3.1 in 1993. It is a "journaling file system" which means that intentions for changes to the file system are first written to a special journal, then the actual changes are performed to the file system. This allows for NTFS to better recover from errors caused by power loss. The maximum theoretical size of a NTFS volume is 2^64 - 1 clusters with a cluster being typically 4KB long, although it can be as long as 64KB. The maximum length of a file in NTFS is 2^64 - 1024 bytes long. In contrast, the volume size limit for a FAT32 system is 2 terabytes using 512 byte sectors, or 16 terabytes using 4096 sectors and a maximum file size of 2^32 - 1 bytes.