COMPLETE the following sentences with a specific time of day (example: "four o'clock"). Write your entire answer in French words.
1. Je vais à l’école à...
2. Je commence à étudier à...
3. Je prends le petit déjeuner...
4. Je dîne à...
COMPLETE the following French sentences.
1. J’étudie le français parce que...
2. J’ai étudié pendant trois heures hier soir à cause de...
COMPLETE the following verb chart according to the subjects given.
l’infinitif: le présent: l’impératif: le futur: le passé composé:
sortir (tu)-------- 1(a.) -------- 1(b.) ------- 1(c.) -------- 1(d.)
savoir (je)------- 2(a.) -------- 2(b.) ------- 2(c.) -------- 2(d.)
venir (ils)-------- 3(a.) -------- 3(b.) ------- 3(c.) -------- 3(d.)
partir (vous)---- 4(a.) ---------- 4(b.) -------- 4(c.) ---------- 4(d.)
COMPOSITION: Write a composition in French on one of the topics given below. Avoid using vocabulary or phrases that have not been introduced by this course. If you need help expressing your thoughts, consult your course materials rather than a translator or dictionary. This will enable you to communicate more accurately in French. Write a rough draft on a separate sheet of paper or typed document. Before you write your final draft, edit your writing by using your checking and spelling. (This includes accent marks.) Be sure to use complete sentences, correct capitalization, and punctuation. You should write a paragraph of at least 10-12 complex sentences and at least 100 words.
Option 1: Describe your day yesterday—what you did, what you wore, where you went, etc.
Option 2: Write a composition telling about the party (la soirée) you gave last night. What did you serve your guests? Who was there? What did they wear?