Which element of Puritan literature is evident in the excerpt? Select all that apply.

Puritan work ethic
record of Puritan life
belief in God above all else
Native American interactions

Respuesta :

The excerpt is missing, below is the excerpt from where these choices are to be answered and their correct choice, the choices are: 
"B) Record of Puritan life, C) Belief in God above all else".

The excerpt is talking about the life of a Puritan that how important the Bible and God were in his life, when there is the mention of afflictions and curses but still turning towards God for the mercy and His favors indicate the belief in God above all. Secondly it signifies the record of Puritan life as an incident narrated, how an Indian came and offered Bible and the interaction between the two of them. The narrator also is referring to the life of difficulties by mentioning curses and afflictions.

The excerpt is this one:

I cannot but take notice of the wonderful mercy of God to me in those afflictions, in sending me a Bible. One of the Indians that came from Medfield fight, had brought some plunder, came to me, and asked me, if I would have a Bible, he had got one in his basket. I was glad of it, and asked him, whether he thought the Indians would let me read? He answered, yes. So I took the Bible, and in that melancholy time, it came into my mind to read first the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy, which I did, and when I had read it, my dark heart wrought on this manner: that there was no mercy for me, that the blessings were gone, and the curses come in their room, and that I had lost my opportunity. But the Lord helped me still to go on reading till I came to Chap. 30, the seven first verses, where I found, there was mercy promised again, if we would return to Him by repentance; and though we were scattered from one end of the earth to the other, yet the Lord would gather us together, and turn all those curses upon our enemies. I do not desire to live to forget this Scripture, and what comfort it was to me.


belief in god above all else,   record of puritan life
