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You Can Treat HIV
HIV can be a manageable chronic disease for many people. That’s because of HIV treatment. Today’s treatments are easier to take and more effective than when HIV treatments were first developed. Starting and sticking to HIV treatment makes it possible to live a longer and healthier life.
The sooner you start HIV treatment, the less damage HIV does to your immune system.
A scientific study has shown benefits to starting treatment as soon as possible.
HIV: What’s Going on Inside Your Body
One way to deal with HIV is to understand how it works in your body. And that it’s already causing damage to your immune system. This is important to understand because the immune system is what protects you from disease and helps keep you healthy.
The Benefits of Starting Treatment Now
For about 3 years, the START study followed more than 4,600 people living with HIV. Some people started treatment right away and some waited.
Those who started treatment right away (regardless of what their CD4 count was) were healthier than those who waited. The group that started treatment immediately had a lower chance of developing AIDS, tuberculosis, or certain cancers.
Here is where you can find more information about the importance of starting HIV treatment as soon as possible.
Start the Conversation
You may still have questions. That’s understandable. Your doctor is a good person to ask for support. They can help answer your HIV-related questions or concerns.
Ask about anything you don’t understand. Talk about anything that makes it difficult to deal with HIV, and share any concerns you might have about taking medicine every day. That could include family life, your living situation, social life, sex life, or drug and alcohol use. You can talk about anything. Your doctor is there to help.
You can also talk about starting HIV treatment. Ask what it means to take treatment every day and how it can fit into your lifestyle. Then, your doctor can help decide the next steps for you to take.
Not sure how to start the conversation? Here are some questions that can help you start a discussion with your doctor and get the ball rolling.
Working With Your Doctor
The two of you are partners. That’s why building a good relationship is so important. If you’re nervous about opening up, remember you are on the same team. You both want the same thing—for you to be healthy.
One thing you can do to help your check-ups go smoothly is to stay on top of your appointments and prescriptions. You can use this 5 step plan to help you get there.
You can also use your iPhone or Android to keep track of appointments, prescriptions, and test results.
Finding a Doctor
Maybe you don’t have a doctor yet. Maybe you want to find a new doctor. That’s OK. There are resources available to help. Here’s where to find doctors and other HIV care services in your area.
Get Help Over the Phone
You can also get your HIV questions answered on the phone. You can call 1-800-628-9240 any time (24/7) for help.
Did you know? It’s possible to live a longer and healthier life with HIV. But you need to start treatment as soon as possible. Then stick with it.