How is Oedipus related to the climax in Oedipus the King? A) A Messenger brings word of Polybus's death. B)Oedipus's realization that he is his father's murderer and his mother's husband represents the climax of Oedipus the King.C) Oedipus's pinned ankles leads Jocasta to a shocking realization.D)The Messenger, in an attempt to help Oedipus, reveals that Oedipus is not Polybus's and Merope's child at all.

Respuesta :


C) Oedipus pinned ankles leads Jocasta to a shocking realization.


Oedipus, the Chorus, and every one of the residents of Thebes comprehend the genuine idea of what has been around them. Oedipus blinds himself after hearing the news on the death of his mom/spouse. Oedipus' mighty acknowledgment of this fact, just as the demonstration of blinding himself, speaks to the climax.

Oedipus feels the devastating load of destiny and comprehends the pointlessness of his own opportunity even with such bigger components. This would need to be the peak since it is now where all inquiries are replied. It is now in which there is the best pressure. The news on what Jocasta has done and what it implies is the thing that hits Oedipus with the best of force. The climax presents itself here as the perfection of the previous acts. They have prompted this sincerely crude and serious minute. The incredible truth of self-acknowledgment and the clarity of seeing one's very own bind in a bigger component is the place the peak in Sophocles' drama is enlightened.