Plateau periods are times in life when

A. you should cancel your upcoming vacation.
B. all kinds of new things happen.
C. nothing seems to happen.
D. you should maintain your current approach to life.

Respuesta :

nothing seems to happen.

Plateau period are times in life when nothing seems to happen.

It is a time when there’s little development or growth in some areas in individual’s life. Individual life processes that may experience plateau are education, career and relationship.

Further Explanation

However, the best way in dealing with plateau period is to use positive self-talk, have patient, build interest in other things and change your way of doing things.

The things individual say to themselves during a plateau period matters a lot. Inner dialogue or positive self-talk is certainly one of the strategy than can help individual to overcome plateau period. If you are the type that says to yourself that you can’t get this done, you will be affecting your self-confidence and your chances of success will be reduced.  

When individual continues to say things like never and can’t, it undermines and sabotage such individual effort because they will certainly abuse the required effort to get things done.

Individual can use self-talk to restructure their thought and get irrational thought or unhelpful thought out of their mind. Patience is another strategy that individual can use to deal with plateau periods, be consistence with what you do and as long as you don’t give you will achieve your goals.

Other strategies you can use to deal with plateau period are building interest in other things and change your way of doing things.


  • Plateau periods


  • plateau period
  • patience
  • positive self-talk
  • career
  • relationship