In the second excerpt, Gulliver observes the Emperor of the Lilliputians (who represents King George I) and those of his court who seek his favor. Flimnap, the Treasurer, represents the famous Whig statesman, Sir Robert Walpole, who was head of the government from 1715 to 1717 and from 1721 to 1742. Both individuals are satirized. Yet Swift also satirized types of people in his account of rope dancing.

What type of person do you think is satirized?

the type of person who would dictate to others
the type of person who would do anything to gain political power
the type of person who would do anything for money

Respuesta :

the type of person who would do anything to gain political power he wasn't trying to dictate or control others and he wasn't asking for money he just wanted the opportunity to gain more power

Swift is satirizing the type of person who would do anything to gain political power.

Satire is a genre of literature that consists in humour and irony that is used to criticize someone or a group of people. This excerpt shows that Flimnap, the Treasurer, is seeking the Emperor's favor and that is what the passage is satirizing: people who are willing to do anything to pursuit their biggest ambition, such as gaining more political power. At the same time, the Emperor of Lilliput is conscious of his political power. He even chooses his ministers for their abilities to wear a tightrope and not for their skills to become leaders. That is the way in which Swift satirizes the Emperor.