•t: in min
•Q(t): quantity of dye in the tank at time t
•r in= 0: rate of dye poured into the tank per min. Since it is fresh water, so it
is zero.
•r out= density of dye×rate of fluid =Q/900×9: rate of dye flowing out.
•Q(0) = 1×900 g: initial amount of dye in the tank.
•{dQ/dt=rin-rout= 0-Q100 Q(0) = 900g•Q(t)=Ce-1/100t
•Q(0) = 900, C= 900, Q(t) = 900e-1/100t
•Q(t) = 0.01·Q(0), Q(0)e-1/100t= 0.01×Q(0),-t100= ln 0.01, t= 460min