Respuesta :
The usual answer that people give when they are asked about what they are afraid of is heights, deep water, and falling in love. However, I feel different. I can't say that I am afraid of heights because that is a lie. I am actually afraid to fall. People tend to say they are afraid of heights and that too is a lie. People don't necessarily feel scared of tall buildings, but people do feel scared of falling off of them.
I am not scared of deep water. As a matter of fact, I am a swimmer which means that I am always in the deep water. Instead of being afraid of the deep water I am afraid of drowning in the deep water. Being afraid of deep water and drowning is different. When you are afraid of deep water you don't even want to go into the water. When you are afraid of drowning you tend to go into the water, but when you are in the water you tend to be cautious of not drowning.
Lastly, I am not scared of falling in love. I think that falling in love is one of the best things that can happen to someone. When you are in love you can't think of how you have been able to live your life without that specific someone in it. You think that everything is so beautiful. I am not scared of falling in love but of the cause of falling in love. When someone falls in love it is almost immediately assumed that they will have a broken heart in the end because nothing lasts forever. Therefore, I am not scared of falling in love but of a broken heart.