Wilson's Progressive program that said bigness was unjust and inefficient, and that te proper response to monopoly was to destory (not regulate) it16th AmendmentAmendment to the United States Constitution (1913) gave Congress the power to tax income.Federal Trade Commission Actcreated a regulatory agency that would help businesses determine in advance whether their actions would be acceptable to the gov.
-also have authority to launch prosecutions against unfair trade practices and it would have wide power to investigate corporate behaviorFederal Reserve ActThis Act, passed in 1913 during Wilson's administration, established the Federal Reserve System, commonly known as the "Fed." The Federal Reserve System is still the central bank of the United States and is charged with the responsibility of developing and administering monetary and credit policies for the nation. The Fed provides the nation with central banking functions that include handling of government deposits, managing the federal debt, and supervising and regulating private banks. Its most important function in terms of the nation's economic well-being is that of determining the supply of money and credit in the system.16th AmendmentAmendment to the United States Constitution (1913) gave Congress the power to tax income.Underwood-Simmons TariffWilson's tariff that provided cuts to introduce competition into American markets and break the power of trusts. It also led to the implementation of a graduated income tax"New Freedom"Woodrow Wilson's program in his campaign for the presidency in 1912, the New Freedom emphasized business competition and small government. It sought to reign in federal authority, release individual energy, and restore competition. It echoed many of the progressive social-justice objectives while pushing for a free economy rather than a planned one.