
Through the process of photosynthesis, plants remove carbon dioxide from the air, while producing oxygen and sugar. In space, plants canl serve two main functions: oxygen production and food supply. A plant’s ability to supply the oxygen needs for a person depends largely on the species of plant and the intensity and quality of light it receives. Plant systems can also be used to help purify wastewater. Water evaporates from the leaves and resultant humidity can be condensed as a source of clean water. At very high light intensities, wheat could supply much of one human’s food and all their oxygen needs from an area as small as 15 square meters. At moderate light intensities, a mix of crops could supply a more complete diet for one person from about 50 square meters.

Your task is to design a plant growth chamber to be placed on the moon. You brainstorm with your team and come up with the following concerns"
I. The moon has no atmosphere
II. The moon's surface temperature ranges from -193C to 111C, depending on location and time of day.
III. Day length = about 27 Earth days
IV. Acceleration due to gravity = 1.6m/sec/sec (1/6 of Earth's)
V. No visible water
Consider items I - V. Which item(s) pose the biggest issue(s) with the task at hand: plants undergoing photosynthesis?
A) I.
B) I. and V.
C) I., III., and V
D) All five choices