
Rubric | Checklist The Best Villain Many stories feature a hero who behaves honorably and fights for good. These same stories often include a villain who behaves selfishly and stands at odds with the hero. In your opinion, who is the best villain from a movie or piece of literature? Think about what traits make him or her a good villain, and how he or she contrasts the hero. Write an essay that describes your favorite villain. Be sure to include details about the villain's characteristics, and compare those traits to the hero's characteristics. As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you: develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your controlling idea to the audience. support your controlling idea with meaningful examples, information, and references from the text. cite direct quotes and any information that has been paraphrased from the passages that you have read. organize your essay in a clear and logical manner, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience. edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English.

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Well, my favorite villain would be........

An example of a very effective villain is Count Olaf from the children's book series A Series of Unfortunate Events. This series follows the life of the Baudelaire orphans. After both their parents die in a fire, they are sent to their new guardian, a man named Count Olaf.

The reason why Count Olaf is a good villain is because he contrasts the heroes in several ways. For example, while the heroes care about their family and friends deeply, Count Olaf is selfish and only cares about himself. Another reason is the fact that Count Olaf cares a lot about money, while this makes no difference to the orphan children. Finally, Count Olaf is willing to commit terrible crimes in order to achieve what he wants, while the children are moral and responsible.

In conclusion, Count Olaf is a remarkable villain because he contrasts with the heroes, who are the Baudelaire orphans. Some of the ways in which he does so is by caring about himself and money more than he cares about anything else, as well as having very loose morals.