Fran has been struggling with the tasks she has to accomplish over the next few weeks: homework due the next day (tuesday), a french test that thursday, an essay due in two weeks, an algebra test next friday, ans a science project the following monday. To taje things worse, she has to plan a surprise party for her best friend's birthday thr weekend after next l. How shoulr she list her priorities, starting with the most urgent task? Rearrange the list below ti build the right sequence

Algebra test birthday party homework science project English essay French test

Respuesta :

1.) Homework First
2.) French Test
3.) Algebra Test
4.) Science Project
5.) Party
6.) Essay 

Fran should prioritize regarding the time she has to get that task done, and the importance said task has. Relying on the schedule provided (it is a Monday) , she should start with  her homework due for the next day, followed by her French test (on that Thursday), then her algebra test (that Friday), then her science project and essay and finally her friend's birthday party.