Use context clues to predict the meaning of the following vocabulary words.
include the actual definition/
synonyms underneath when we go over it in class.
1.1looked at Johnny Imploringly. Johnny sighed. Tm gonna cut mine too, and wash the grease out."
I think imploringly mears: Pleadingly or beggingly
Actual definition: na pleading or begging manner.
2. "I guess we're disguised. I leaned back next to him sullenly. I guess so.
I think sullenly means: Gloomily or morosely.
Actual definition: In gloomy or morose manner.
31 was trying to find the meaning the poet had in mind, but it eluded me."
I think eluded means: Escaped or avoided.
Actual definition: Escaped or avoided.
"I never thought I'd live to see the day when I would be so glad to see Daily Winston, but right then
he meant one thing: contact with the outside world. And suddenly become real and vital.
Ithink va means
Essential or important.
Actual definition: Essential or important
ved? Johnny was so indignant he nearly squeaked
61 hod thought about tuning ourselves in lots of Smes, but apparently the whole idea was a jolt to Dollas
Ithirk jot meors
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Understanding context clues aids in interpreting unfamiliar vocabulary words accurately.


Context clues are crucial for determining the meaning of unfamiliar words. They can be in the form of definition clues, elaborating details, elaborating examples, comparisons, or contrasts. By analyzing the surrounding text, readers can infer the actual definition of a word.

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