The main character, known as the protagonist, is central to driving the plot forward by overcoming obstacles and inner conflicts, contributing to character growth and story development.
The main character (protagonist) of a story is the central character that drives the plot forward and undergoes the most significant change. They are often faced with obstacles and conflicts that they must overcome to achieve their goals or desires. For example, in Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet,' both Romeo and Juliet can be seen as protagonists as they work together to navigate the challenges they face.
The protagonist's struggle to assert his/her identity and act according to their impulses while battling against them often forms the core of a story's conflict. This inner turmoil adds depth to the character and drives the narrative forward. It is through these struggles that the protagonist's growth and development are revealed to the audience.
Identifying the protagonist is crucial as they are the character who needs to solve the main conflict and overcome the primary obstacle. The protagonist's actions, decisions, and transformations are key elements in shaping the story and engaging the audience throughout the narrative.