Restriction enzymes cut DNA at specific sequences while gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments based on size, aiding in DNA profiling and identifying paternity.
Restriction enzymes are proteins that cut DNA at specific sequences, acting like molecular scissors. For example, the enzyme EcoR1 cuts at the sequence GAATTC. These enzymes are crucial in DNA profiling as they help in cleaving DNA molecules for analysis.
Gel electrophoresis is used in DNA profiling to separate DNA fragments based on size. The electric current aids in pushing the DNA fragments through the gel, with smaller fragments traveling further. By comparing fragment sizes on the gel, different DNA profiles can be distinguished.
DNA travels from the negative to the positive electrode in gel electrophoresis due to its negative charge. Since DNA is negatively charged, it moves towards the positively charged electrode. Analyzing DNA profiles helps determine paternity by comparing the banding patterns between individuals. Other uses of DNA profiling include solving crimes, identifying genetic diseases, and determining relationships among individuals.