The mean monthly rent of students at Oxnard University is $810 with a standard deviation of $235. (a) John's rent is $1370. What is his standard z-score (round your answer to 3 decimal places) is John’s rent and outlier? How high would the rent have to be to qualify as an outlier?

Respuesta :



John's Z-score: 2.383

Outlier Threshold: 1515

Step-by-step explanation:

# Given data

mean_rent = 810

std_dev = 235

johns_rent = 1370

# Calculating Z-score

z_score = (johns_rent - mean_rent) / std_dev

# Identifying Outlier Threshold

outlier_threshold = mean_rent + 3 * std_dev

# Printing Z-score and Outlier Threshold

print("John's Z-score:", round(z_score, 3))

print("Outlier Threshold:", outlier_threshold)