Respuesta :


To mirror the player's wallpaper to the game screen in GDScript, you can use the ViewportTexture node along with a TextureRect node. Here's a basic example script:


Copy code

extends TextureRect

func _ready():

var wallpaper = OS.get_wallpaper()

var texture = preload(wallpaper)

texture.flags = texture.flags or Texture.FLAG_MIPMAPS

texture.flags = texture.flags or Texture.FLAG_FILTER

self.texture = texture

This script sets the TextureRect node's texture to the player's wallpaper retrieved using OS.get_wallpaper().

If you prefer C#, you can use similar concepts. Here's a rough equivalent:


Copy code

using Godot;

using System;

public class WallpaperMirror : TextureRect


public override void _Ready()


string wallpaperPath = OS.GetWallpaper();

Texture texture = GD.Load<Texture>(wallpaperPath);

texture.Flags |= (uint)Texture.FlagsEnum.Mipmaps;

texture.Flags |= (uint)Texture.FlagsEnum.Filter;

Texture = texture;



This C# script does the same thing but is tailored for Godot using C#.