To convert 3/16 to a decimal, you can divide 3 by 16. Here's how you can do it:
1. Set up the division problem:
3 ÷ 16 = ?
2. Perform the division:
- First, add a decimal point to 3 to make it 3.0.
- Divide 3.0 by 16:
16) 3.0
- 16 goes into 30 once: 16
Subtract: 30 - 16 = 14
- Add a zero after the decimal point and bring it down:
- 16 goes into 140 eight times: 8
Subtract: 140 - 128 = 12
- Add another zero after the decimal point and bring it down:
- 16 goes into 120 seven times: 7
Subtract: 120 - 112 = 8
- Add more zeros if needed to continue the division.
3. Continue this process until you reach the desired level of decimal accuracy or if the digits repeat, as 3/16 is a rational number that terminates after a certain number of decimal places.
By following these steps, you can convert 3/16 to a decimal.