When Karl Marx originally formed the idea of
"Communism" who was supposed to have control of
the economy and wealth?
The government
The workers

Respuesta :

When Karl Marx originally formed the idea of Communism, he envisioned that the workers would have control of the economy and wealth. In Marx's concept of Communism, the workers would collectively own and manage the means of production, such as factories and land, instead of private individuals or businesses owning them. This means that the workers would have a say in how resources are allocated, how goods are produced, and how wealth is distributed among the society. By giving control of the economy and wealth to the workers, Marx aimed to eliminate the class struggle between the bourgeoisie (owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (working class). In a Communist society according to Marx's vision, the workers would have equal access to resources and wealth, leading to a more equitable and classless society. Therefore, in Karl Marx's concept of Communism, the control of the economy and wealth was supposed to be in the hands of the workers collectively, rather than the government or businesses.