Respuesta :
To draw a labelled diagram of stomata in epidermal tissue under a light microscope, follow these steps:
1. **Materials Needed:**
- Microscope
- Microscope slides
- Coverslips
- Clear nail polish or other adhesive
- Leaf sample
2. **Sample Preparation:**
- Take a fresh leaf and carefully peel off a small section of the epidermis.
- Place the epidermal peel on a microscope slide.
3. **Observation under the Microscope:**
- Place a coverslip over the epidermal peel to prevent it from drying out.
- Place the slide on the stage of the microscope.
- Begin observing the sample under low magnification to locate stomata.
4. **Identifying Stomata:**
- Stomata are typically found on the lower surface of the leaf.
- Look for small pores surrounded by two bean-shaped guard cells.
5. **Drawing the Diagram:**
- Use a pencil and a ruler to draw the stomata you observe.
- Label the different parts of the stomata: guard cells, pore, and surrounding epidermal cells.
- Include any relevant details you see under the microscope.
6. **Enhancing Visibility:**
- If necessary, you can enhance the visibility of stomata by applying clear nail polish over the sample and letting it dry. Peel off the nail polish to create a replica of the stomata for a clearer observation.
7. **Labeling the Diagram:**
- Write the labels for each part of the stomata next to your drawing. Make sure the labels are clear and legible.
8. **Final Touches:**
- Once you have drawn and labeled the stomata, review your diagram to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- You can add color to different parts of the stomata to enhance clarity if desired.
By following these steps, you can create a clear and labeled diagram representing stomata in epidermal tissue as seen under a light microscope.