What effect did Gutenberg's printing press most directly have on the general population of Europe?
(1 point)
O literacy increased
literacy decreased
income increased
O mortality rates decreased

Respuesta :

The Gutenberg's printing press had a significant impact on the general population of Europe. Here are some effects it had directly on the people: 1. **Literacy increased**: The printing press made books and printed materials more accessible and affordable. This increased literacy rates among the general population as more people had the opportunity to read and educate themselves. 2. **Dissemination of information**: The printing press allowed for the mass production of books, pamphlets, and newspapers. This rapid spread of information enabled people to stay informed about current events, scientific discoveries, and various topics of interest. 3. **Cultural and intellectual growth**: With the availability of printed materials, people had access to a wide range of knowledge, leading to cultural and intellectual growth across Europe. This led to the exchange of ideas, the spread of Renaissance thinking, and the Reformation. In conclusion, the Gutenberg's printing press directly contributed to the increase in literacy, the dissemination of information, and the cultural and intellectual growth of the general population in Europe.