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The Mongol Defeat: While it was common for samurai to engage in local battles in the provinces of Japan, in 1274 they were
also noted for defeating the Chinese Mongols led by Kublai Khan. At this time, Japan's warring province
leaders put aside their differences to fight a common enemy. A typhoon aided the Japanese warriors
by destroying much of the Mongol fleets before reaching Japanese shores. The remaining Mongols were
either killed in battle, or fled back to China in failure. However, in 1281 the Mongols invaded again. For
weeks, under the guidance of the Shogun (great general) samurai and daimyo fought in fierce combat
together. Again, a weather system brought a fierce wind that aided Japan, forcing many Chinese soldiers
to drown and causing Chinese fleets, turn back to China. The Japanese were grateful, believing that the
gods were on their side as proven by the "divine wind" or kamikaze (kah-mee-kah-zee) that was sent to
aid the Japanese