
07.02 Seasons 07.02 Seasons Writing Assignment Write a composition or a letter, in Spanish, to a friend where you include the following items. Use the following tips to help you with this assignment. Choose a Spanish-speaking country you would like to visit. Specify the month you will visit. Describe what the weather is like during each season. Mention at least five articles of clothing that you will need for the trip. Write at least 10 complete sentences.

Respuesta :

This is a letter to a friend:

Hola Pedro,

Me voy de viaje para Puerto Rico. Estare alli en el mes de Mayo. Voy estar una semana.
En Puerto Rico, el verano, es bien caliente. En el invierno, tambien. Pero para la primavera, es un poco fresco. En el otono, se pone mas fresco. Algunas veces, llueve mucho.
Para este viaje, me llevare unos pantalones cortos, camiseta de manga corta, un pantalon largo, un traje, y un bikini.

Choose a female name and put it at the end of the letter.