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In using a pesticide within a classroom, several factors should be considered: 1. How hazardous is the pesticide that will be used? It can often be checked through the labels. Red labels means that it is hazardous and poisonous which is not advisable to be used without a professional applicator. Green labels are considered safe. However, reactions by some people may vary. And carefulness should be observed. 2. How young are the students? Children have lower tolerance and sometimes cannot excrete toxic intakes by sweating just like an adult would. 3. Are there people inside the classroom? Some people have allergic reactions to certain chemicals present in pesticides that may cause itching and rashes. It is safer to use pesticides when no one is around. 4. What kind of pest is being purged? Have pesticides that would match to kill pests present. In applying pesticides to this kind of area (a public one) consultation to a professional is advised.