
1. Unscramble the following to reveal the different skill-related fitness components:
2. Read the following case study and answer the questions:
Joe is 14 years old and has played for his local tennis club since he was 10. He has also started playing for his secondary school club. Since he has started practising twice a week, he has noticed that he is able to react more quickly to serves and hits by his opponent, and he is able to move around the court more quickly so he doesn't miss the ball as often. However, he is still struggling to hit the ball hard, so he often hits it into the net. He also finds that he gets tired quickly during a game.
a) Which components of fitness are important for a tennis player?
b) Which components of fitness has Joe developed since he has been training twice a week?
c) Which components of fitness does Joe need to improve?

1 Unscramble the following to reveal the different skillrelated fitness components YGTAIIL ECLABNA NDIOTARNCOOI EPWOR OENIATRC EITM 2 Read the following case st class=