Which of the following numbers is irrational? a fraction with numerator negative 9 and denominator 5, a fraction with numerator square root of 5, a fraction with numerator 7 and denominator 3, square root of 9

Respuesta :

A fraction with numerator -9 and denominator root 5.

With the other scenarios, every number is rational. All whole numbers/integers are rational. The root of 9 is 3, which is whole and rational. Negative numbers are also rational so long as they are whole/an integer. This allows for you to be able to write a fraction using only integers (or with decimals that have a finite end).

However the root of 5 goes on infinitely.


The answer is square root of 5.

Step-by-step explanation:

Irrational numbers are those that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

And when we express these in decimal form, they have an infinite and nonrecurring expansion like the number π and the square root of 2.

The answer is square root of 5. This is because the square root of 5 will never result in a number that will be exact.