Answer the four bolded questions in your own words in Spanish. Include a sentence using a comparative/superlative structure for a total of five sentences. What is your favorite type of music? Which artist's music is the best? What kind of music is the worst? Why? (to answer any question). Comparative/Superlative Structures: más/menos + adverb + que = more/less _____ than Example: I listen to K-pop music more frequently than Reggaeton music. I really like... tan + adjective + como = as _____ as Example: My favorite band is not as popular as my friend's favorite band. It is... tanto(-a, -os, -as) + noun(s) + como = as much/many _____ as Example: The solo artist won as many awards as the musical group. They are very... definite article + noun + más/menos + adjective + de = the most/least _____ Example: In my opinion, the least exciting type of music of all is... The most exciting is...