Identify each passage as either functional text or expository text.
expository text
functional text
Training Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
2 miles
10 miles
1 mile
15 miles
2 miles
10 miles
1 mile
15 miles
2 miles
10 miles
1 mile
15 miles
In the Middle Ages, members of the noble class used arsenic to poison those
who stood in their way. Many of those same nobles found out that by taking
small amounts of arsenic every day, they could build up a resistance to it. A side
effect was that
their hair turned white. People soon began to associate white hair
with nobility. In
time, the nobles stopped using arsenic as a weapon. However,
the tradition of white hair signifying a high station in life continues today. In the
courts, judges and other officials wear white wigs.
During the 1950s, Duncan introduced the first plastic yo-yos and the Butterfly
shaped yo-yo,
which is much easier to land on the string for complex tricks. The
biggest yo-yo
boom in history hit in 1962, following the use of TV advertising.
Financial losses at
the end of the boom, and a costly lawsuit to protect the yo-yo
trademark, forced the
Duncan family out of business in the late 1960s. Flambeau
, which made Duncan's plastic models, bought the company and still
owns it today.
Resizing Graphics
1. Click on the graphic. Resizing boxes should appear around the graphic.
2. Use your mouse to point at one of the resizing boxes. The mouse pointer will
change to a two-sided
3. Press the left mouse button and drag the resizing box until the graphic is the
size you desire.
1. Designate one specific computer that is connected to a printer mechanism.
2. Place the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. Be sure the label is facing up.
3. Follow the
installation path for your computer.
For home computers, follow these steps:
A. Double-click the CD-ROM icon that appears on the

Identify each passage as either functional text or expository text expository text functional text Training Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa class=