Read and watch the speech.
Fannie Lou Hamer | Democratic National Convention Speech, 1964
Write a response 1-3 paragraphs about the rhetorical devices utilized. Write a one-paragraph reflection on how you saw the speech's effectiveness and purpose.

Requirements for rhetorical analysis: Include at least three textual evidence, rhetorical techniques, and commentary.

Respuesta :

Answer-Fannie Lou Hamer's 1964 DNC speech was a powerful rhetorical tour de force. She employed vivid imagery ("the trash on the lawn"), repetition ("Is this America?"), and rhetorical questions ("Is this America, the land of the free and the home of the brave?") to drive home the injustice faced by Black Americans. Her plain yet impassioned delivery amplified the speech's emotional impact.

The speech's effectiveness stemmed from Hamer's ethos as a sharecropper who endured beatings for attempting to vote. Her harrowing personal testimony lent moral authority to her call for the Democratic Party to uphold its stated values of equality and freedom for all. Ultimately, Hamer's speech was a stirring rebuke of America's failure to live up to its ideals.