Respuesta :
The answer to the question: From Mary Rowlandson´s perspective, what is the reason for her safe return from captivity? would be, C: She recited Bible verses that show God´s omnipotent protection.
"A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson" is a true story that was turned into the first example of a genre known as captivity narratives, and that was written by Mary Rowlandson to narrate her own experience as a captive of Native Americans during King Phillip´s War. It was first published in 1682 and became an instant bestseller. What can be seen from almost the entire work is how God, and Mrs. Rowlandson´s strong Puritan beliefs, play the key role in saving the woman from what she considers the "hell" of having been captured by the Indian "savages". And what she attests in her story is that it is her constant reading of the Bible, to remind herself of how God protects His believers, His Christians, what helps her not only get through her captivity, but remain the true Christian that she was always meant to be.