3. A great business idea is
A. the beginning of a great business.
B. all you need to succeed.
C. something that comes along once in a lifetime.
D. an idea that no one else has ever thought of.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PGS 12-13

4. The price for predictability is often
A. long hours.
B. stress and insecurity.
C. long-term boredom.
D. increased self-confidence.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 1

5. One of the advantages of starting your own business is
A. lack of responsibility.
B. no hassles.
C. profit.
D. free time.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 7

9. When you first started your new business, you were so excited about the large volume of orders you had. One year later, you find that your orders are less than half of what they were in the beginning. What is the most probably cause of this decrease in order?
A. Your price is too high for the market.
B. You failed to continue your marketing efforts.
C. You have too much competition.
D. You've limited yourself to a small number of products.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PAGES 9,10

10. Of all new businesses, how many make it through their second year?
A. 50 percent
B. 60 percent
C. 80 percent
D. 20 percent
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 12

11. The best way to avoid cash flow problems is
A. regular saving.
B. constant marketing.
C. downsizing.
D. borrowing less.
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 9

12. One of the most common mistakes new business owners make is
A. getting advice from a consultant.
B. not establishing a good relationship with a financial institution.
C. always knowing what the customer wants.
D. setting unrealistic goals.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 25

15. Which of the following is an advantage of starting a new business?
A. You don't have to reinvent the wheel.
B. You have the security of following in someone else's footsteps.
C. You don't have to compensate for someone else's mistakes.
D. You can expect a regular paycheck.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 14

16. One of the main disadvantages of buying a franchise is that you may end up
A. hiring a large staff.
B. feeling like an employee.
C. paying too much for operating costs.
D. choosing a poor location.
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 15-16

Respuesta :

3.  A.
A great business starts with a great idea of what one can do to produce wealth. One will have to build on this idea and put in all appropriate resources in order to make the business works.
4. A
The price want has to pay for predictability is long hours; long hours have to be spent to predict how things are going to work out.
5. C
One of the advantages of having one's own business is the profit one is going to realize from the business.
9. C
The most likely reason for decrease in order is competition. Probably other companies have started up which produce exactly the product that you offer.
10. A.
About 50% of all business start ups failed in their first or second year in business, only about 50% make it through the first two years.
11. C
The best way to avoid cash flow problem is to downsize. Look for various means of cutting costs in order improve cash flow in the company system.
12. D
Most new business owners set unrealistic goals which can not be achieved and when they are unable to achieve the goals they become discourage, some to the extent of stopping their businesses.
15. A
To re-invent the wheel means to been wasting your time creating what is already in existence. If you start a new business, that means you are not wasting your time re-inventing the wheel.
16. C
When you buy franchise, you still have to put in some works before the franchise get to the final consumers, the money you used for these activities may be very large at times, more than expected.


1. One of the unexpected drawbacks of starting your own business is:


2. Meeting clients in person instead of talking with them on the phone can help to reduce _______ when you own your own business.


3. The freedom of working for yourself is necessarily limited by

Your own skills and abilities

4. Which of the following is an example of a franchise?

Radio Shack

5. When you first started your new business, you were so excited about the large volume of orders you had. One year later, you find that your orders are less than half of what they were in the beginning. What is the most probable cause of this decrease in order?

You failed to continue your marketing efforts.

6. As a noncommissioned employee in a company, your pay rate is most likely based on

The going rate for your job

7. After you open your new business is not the best time to

Conduct research on your product

8. The best way to avoid cash flow problems is

Constant marketing

9. A great business idea is

The beginning of a great business.

10. One of the advantages of starting your own business is 


11. Which of the following is an advantage of starting a new business?

You don't have to compensate for someone else's mistakes

12. The number one reason for failure of new business is

Insufficient cash

13. Of all new business, how many make it through their second year


14. What is one of the advantages of buying an existing business?

Its track record lets you know what to expect

15. Of these types of businesses, which one requires the most drive and motivation?

A new business

16. What is the failure rate for a franchise?

5 percent

17. The price for predictability is often

Long-term boredom

18. How will you save money by buying a franchise?

You can get a volume discount on your products

19. Asking yourself "What can I do to build a loyal customer base?" is an example of


20. The freedom to make your own decisions can be limited if the business you choose is a


All of these are 100% correct answers.

Hope this helps! :)