
For lunch, you eat French fries at a new restaurant. Later that day you get the stomach flu and are vomiting all night. The next day, your friend offers you some French fries and you immediate feel nauseous. What component of classical conditioning does feeling nauseous represent?
A. conditioned response
B. conditioned stimulus
C. unconditioned response
D. unconditioned stimulus

Respuesta :

the answer to your question is conditioned response.


A. conditioned response


A classical conditioning reflex occurs when an association is established between normal response or normal body function and a new stimulus. In the given example, the physiologically meaningful stimulus is eating French fries at a new restaurant and represents the unconditioned stimulus. French fries offered by friends was conditioned stimulus that replaced the unconditioned stimulus. Vomiting at new restaurant as it occurred in response to unconditioned stimulus was an unconditioned response. However, feeling nauseous in response to conditioned stimulus represents the conditioned response.