How does the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States reflect the concept of natural rights?
A. The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase "under God."
B. The Pledge of Allegiance recognizes the United States as a republic.
C. The Pledge of Allegiance states that the flag represents the republic.
D. The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase "with liberty and justice for all."

Which of the following was one compromise related to the Declaration of Independence that was agreed to by the delegates to the Second Continental Congress?
A. Language condemning the slave trade was removed.
B. Language criticizing the English people was strengthened.
C. A list of grievances against the king was removed.
D. A list of grievances against tax collectors was strengthened.

According to the Declaration of Independence, how do governments get their just power?
(1 point)•from the authority of the early family
•from the consent of the governed
•from the right of conquest
•from the right of inheritance

To what concept of government does this excerpt refer? Use the excerpt to answer the question.
. . . whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
–The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
A. the divine right of kings
B. the social contract
C. unalienable rights
D. absolute rule

Which of the following is a democratic concept evident in this excerpt?
Use the excerpt to answer the question.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, . . .
–The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
A. division of power
B. checks and balances
C. popular sovereignty
D. natural rights

Which of these documents makes the most explicit reference to “unalienable rights”?
A. Code of Hammurabi
B. Petition of Right
C. Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan
D. Declaration of Independence

Which statement best describes the importance of the Magna Carta?
A. British judges should hold judicial power.
B. Even the king must respect certain rights of the people.
C. Federalism is the best form of government.
D. Parliament should have the power to determine tax rates.

What does the difference in the number of colonies that sent delegates to the Stamp Act Congress versus the First Continental Congress indicate about what was happening in the colonies? Use these excerpts from the text to answer the question.
In October of 1765, nine colonies—all except Georgia, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia—sent delegates to a meeting in New York, the Stamp Act Congress.
Delegates from every colony except Georgia met in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774. . . . For nearly two months, the members of that First Continental Congress discussed the worsening situation and debated plans for action.
A. The colonies were now ready to break away from Britain.
B. The colonies were now ready to adopt the Albany Plan.
C. The conflicts with Britain were slowly uniting the colonies.
D. The colonies felt their protests against British authority were succeeding.

Which statement best describes the views stated in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense?
A. Citizens have the right to petition the government.
B. Colonial government needs a stronger system of courts.
C. Colonies should declare their independence from Britain
D. Kings should dismiss legislative bodies and rule as absolute monarchs.

What did Thomas Jefferson mean by the phrase “all men are created equal”?
A. All citizens should be treated the same by law.
B. The intelligence of all persons is about the same.
C. Wealth should be divided up so all persons have the same.
D. Women are not as important to society as men.

Respuesta :

A then c then d then b


The following are the correct answer for each question:

Question 1: Option D

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States reflect the concept of natural rights by including the phrase "with liberty and justice for all" which is the main concept that natural rights stands for.

Question 2: Option A

One of the compromises related to the Declaration of Independence that was agreed to by the delegates to the Second Continental Congress was that language condemning the slave trade was removed.

Question 3: Option B

According to the Declaration of Independence, governments get their just power from the consent of the governed.

Question 4: Option B

The excerpt refers to the concept of government of the social contract "signed" between the government and the governed.

Question 5: Option C

The democratic concept evident in the excerpt is the one of popular sovereignty in which the government is instituted from the consent of the governed.

Question 6: Option D

The Declaration of Independence makes the most explicit reference to "unalienable rights" as Thomas Jefferson famously states that the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are inherited to every human.

Question 7: Option B

The statement that best describes the importance of the Magna Carta is that even the King must respect certain rights of the people.

Question 8: Option C

The difference in the number of colonies that sent delegates to the Stamp Act Congress versus the First Continental Congress indicated that the conflicts with Britain were slowly uniting the colonies

Question 9: Option C

In his pamphlet called "Common Sense" Thomas Payne states his personal opinion that American colonies should declare their independence from Britain.

Question 10: Option A

With his phrase "All men are created equal" Thomas Jefferson meant that all citizens should be treated the same by law.