Prokaryotes, like most living organisms, need movement to locate food and to survive. If a prokaryote needed to move to a new food source, which structure would it use for locomotion?

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A Prokaryote typically will use flagella to move where it needs to go. The flagella spin and provides propulsion through whatever liquid the Prokaryote is currently residing in. Much like a boat's propeller. That is the primary method of locomotion for Prokaryotes.


-Flagellum (flagella; plural)


-Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms belonging to the domains Bacteria and Archaea.

-A flagellum is a whip-like structure that allows a cell to move. They are found in all three domains of the living world: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryota, also known as protists, plants, animals, and fungi.

-The primary role of the flagellum is locomotion, but it also often has function as a sensory organelle, being sensitive to chemicals and temperatures outside the cell. Flagella are organelles defined by function rather than structure. Flagella vary greatly. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella can be used for swimming but they differ greatly in protein composition, structure, and mechanism of propulsion.