Respuesta :

Passive Transport Passive transport is the movement of molecules across the cell membrane and does not require energy. It is dependent on the permeability of the cell membrane. There are three main kinds of passive transport - Diffusion, Osmosis and Facilitated Diffusion

Active transport includes the utilization of vitality to move particles against a main impetus or, as such, up an electrochemical angle. There are two essential types of Active transport: Primary active utilizes the vitality source (ATP) to straightforwardly ship atoms.

Further Explanation:

Force driving:

Main impetus is a term having more extensive importance than the term Force. To place it in basic words, the Cause of any wonder in nature is the Driving Force of/in that marvel. This reason can likewise be an option that is other than the Force (as saw by and large, which is mechanical power estimated in Newton or pounds).  

transport mechanism:  

To move substances against a focus or electrochemical angle, a cell must utilize vitality. Dynamic vehicle components do only this, consuming vitality (frequently as ATP) to keep up the correct centralizations of particles and atoms in living cells.  

the two kinds of transport machanism:  

The two principle kinds of transport into and out of cells incorporate aloof transport and dynamic transport.  

Active transport:  

Active transport is the development of particles over a film from an area of their lower focus to a locale of their higher fixation against the focus inclination. Dynamic vehicle requires cell vitality to accomplish this development.  

Passive transport:

Passive transport is a development of particles and other nuclear or atomic substances crosswise over cell layers without need of vitality input. In contrast to Active transport, it doesn't require a contribution of cell vitality since it is rather determined by the propensity of the system to develop in entropy.

Subject: physics

Level: High School

Keywords: Force driving, transport mechanism, the two kinds of transport mechanism, Active transport, Passive transport.

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