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Hinduism has monotheistic (one God) as well as polytheistic (many Gods) elements: the one Ultimate Reality or Supreme Being (Brahman) also exists simultaneously in the deities of the Creator (Brahma), the Sustainer (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva

In Hindu traditions prayer takes place formally as part of puja, which is Sanskrit for adoration. This worship can take place in the home or in the mandir, or temple. Puja is worship and for Hindus provides a way of directly communicating with God. The act of prayer is part of puja, alongside rituals and songs.

Hindu worship is primarily an individual act rather than a communal one, as it involves making personal offerings to the deity. Worshippers repeat the names of their favourite gods and goddesses, and repeat mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and incense are offered to god.