Respuesta :
Elements of culture are language, norms, values, symbols, and artifacts. Language is the means by which ideas are communicated and shared, and use of a common tongue binds a community of people together; norms are accepted behavioral patterns by which a society agrees to, this is also similar to values, which relates directly to law and welfare; symbols are the visual references which a culture has unique, identifying past experiences, which are shared among descendants, and artifacts are the objects which are collected by a culture, which are memories of the past and hold significance to the community.
C. Age is the correct answer.
Culture is an umbrella term, it includes the social behavior, norms, knowledge, customs rituals that are found in a society.
Further Explanation:
Culture was defined as the beliefs, values artifacts etc. that were part of any society. There are two types of elements of a culture. The first type is non-material culture and the other is material culture, Non material culture includes symbols, language and beliefs. Material culture includes physical objects of the society, it includes tools and technology, utensils etc.
Values and beliefs are two important elements of a culture. Values are the standards in a culture to decide what is good and just in a society. They are embedded in a culture. Beliefs are dogmas that people hold to be true. Individuals have their own beliefs but they also share the collective values.
Values shape a society by differentiating between good and bad , beautiful and ugly etc. E.g In US, children's are considered to be innocent and pure while youthful adult appearance means sexuality. People are shaped by this value and spend money on cosmetic products and surgeries to look young. The US culture is individualistic and places more value on individuality while many other countries are collectivist and put emphasis on group relationships.
Values also control the behavior of people, but it doesn't reflect how people behave. Values depict an ideal culture, the ideal culture differs from the real culture. Society is based on what exists and occurs. In ideal culture there would be no injustice, accidents, poverty. but all these exist in real culture and lawmakers, teachers and police officers try to maintain the ideals.
Values can be put into action by rewards, punishments and sanctions. People uphold the values of society often gets rewarded, when a boy helps and elderly women cross the road then he receives a “Thank you ” in return. People also approve certain behaviors and disapprove others by social control.
Values are not static. They differ from time to time as people change collective social beliefs. e.g The values about what kinds of physical closeness is appropriate in public differ from culture to culture. While holding hands in US represent romantic feelings but in many cultures two men holding hands in public is a gesture of friendship.
Learn More:
Cultural Trait ; Answered by Sydie02
Elements of Pop culture ; Answered by Jahjamarjit
Values, Culture, Elements of culture.